General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Changes to UK data privacy law came into effect on 25 May 2018 under the GDPR which give individuals additional rights about the way their personal information is collected and used.

At Missing Catalyst Limited, we recognise the importance of the personal information we receive from our contacts and we take seriously our responsibility to use it appropriately and welcome these additional protections.

We collect your personal information from the very start of our interactions with you as an interested partner, even before you become a client. This is to ensure we fully understand your needs in order to offer the best possible service and advice.

We then process this personal information primarily to fulfil our contractual services to you. By processing, we mean obtaining, recording, holding and using your data.

You may also provide us with personal information about other people, including employees. In these instances, we ask that you have their authority to provide this information to us. There are also legal, regulatory and other governance requirements that require us to hold and process your personal information.

We will keep your personal information for as long as we provide you with the service referred to in our engagement letters and terms of business or any other contract. 

We may sometimes be obliged to keep your data for longer for legal, regulatory or other governance reasons.

If you would like any more details on our data protection policy or if you would like to request any of the data that we hold on you personally, please email us or write a letter to our data protection officer.

Finally, we endeavour to send you informative and relevant email information on a regular basis to update you on developments in relation to intellectual property and related legal matters.

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